For example, if you budget $10,000 a month for a certain admin expense, and it comes to $10,600, most financial experts wouldn’t be concerned. If the expense totals say, $11,200 however, then you have a budget variance that needs attention. As we’ve already discussed, budget variances happen for a number of reasons. We’ll give you an overview of what exactly it is, discuss a couple of different kinds of budget variances (and why they exist), plus show you how to spot a budget variance and what to do about it. But now, you’re two quarters deep into the financial period, and your actuals don’t match the budget you worked so hard on six months back. If your income rather than spending is the problem, look for a job that pays more, get a second job, or create a passive income stream (such as a money-making blog).

This includes the originally budgeted values and the actual values for all line items. As you can see, when looking at how can variances be corrected the best course of action will depend on the root cause of the variance. Controllable variances can often be corrected with some tweaks to expenses or line items, while uncontrollable causes might be out of your hands. An unfavourable variance leads to a lower net income than expected, which businesses want to avoid. These individuals often have market research, competitor analysis, or operational assessments that can help you understand the external and internal factors contributing to the variance.

Budget Variance Analysis: A Step-by-Step Guide

Focusing too much on small variances can waste valuable time and resources that could be better spent on addressing more significant issues. Variance analysis assumes that the budgeting assumptions made at the beginning of the period are still valid at the end of the period. In contrast, in a Fortune 500 company, variances may be tens of thousands of dollars without reaching a level that requires a detailed investigation. For instance, if revenue falls short by a significant amount, it’s crucial to determine whether it was due to a decrease in sales volume, a price decrease, or a combination of both.

  • This can include employee efficiency, head count and labor hours; equipment usage; website traffic and much more.
  • Every finance department knows how tedious building a budget and forecast can be.
  • There are multiple reasons for a budget variance, and these reasons are often divided into uncontrollable and controllable variances.
  • You can spend more time investigating and addressing the variances that were higher than you wanted.
  • While either will work equally well, it’s very important to be consistent in their use –that’s exactly why we recommend automating this process.

But the variance between his expected and actual expenses is $75 ($2,000 less $2,075). Your analysis and understanding of variances constitute new information for adjusting your current behavior, preparing the next budget, or perhaps realistically reassessing your behavior or original goals. Building a budget is a standard part of doing business for organizations of all sizes and types. But as most financial pros know, making a budget and sticking to it are two very different things. Into every life a few budget variances—differences between actual spend and the amount budgeted—must fall.

Based on this period data, your percent variance was 5.26% above expectations. Discover what budgeting is, the goals and questions your budget needs to answer, and why creating a budget is essential for any business. Now that you know how the variance is calculated let’s have a look at the steps involved in the analysis itself. Just because two events happen simultaneously doesn’t mean one caused the other. Seek out the true root causes of variances—don’t just assume they are related.

Why Budget Variance Matters

For example, a business may not be able to fill a position for an extended period of time, resulting in a lower compensation expense than expected. Simply compare the actual results to the budget and find the difference between the values (this is called budget vs actual variance analysis). In other words, this process unlocks business intelligence that will help you make better data-driven decisions in the future. You can get the most out of budget variance analysis by generating budget vs. actual reports and comparing your key performance indicators. Digging deeply into your spend data and exploring the reasons for variances in your budget can yield rich rewards for the enterprising analyst. Budget variance refers to the differences between the figures you projected in your budget and your business’s actual performance.

For example, let’s say that Bob is a college student who pays for college expenses with a combination of wages from a job and a student loan. He budgets for $2,100 in income and $2,000 in expenses for the month, which would leave him with a budget surplus of $100. During the month, he brings in $2,100 in income but incurs $2,075 in expenses thanks to an unplanned parking ticket, resulting in an actual budget surplus of only $25. At the end of the month, he calculates that the variance between his expected and actual income is $0 ($2,100 less $2,100).

Understanding Budget Variances

There are multiple reasons for a budget variance, and these reasons are often divided into uncontrollable and controllable variances. Oil prices are often difficult to predict, making them rather uncontrollable, but tax increases are often advertised well in advance and can be figured into a budget with a decent amount of accuracy. A well-prepared budget should take variance into account by budgeting to spend less than the amount of money expected to be available. Budget variance is the difference between the expected results of a budget and the actual results.

Gather data

But some action will need to be taken, so you don’t continue to spend over budget and lose money willy-nilly. This applies to your company’s finances — revenue, budget and spending — as much as anything else. Watching for variance in anticipated spending versus what is actually spent, for example, is critical. Reacting appropriately to these fluctuations, and doing so with accuracy, are keys to success in how you define goals and set expectations — particularly with company finances. Variance from budgeting errors can be a sign to review your budgeting process to remove errors and look for more accurate methods to forecast sales and expenses.

Generally, it means that the company is exceeding its projected performance which is considered a good sign. Again, there may be arguments for both sides of this coin in nearly every scenario. That is up to your management team to decide (perhaps with the help of local accounting firms).

This could refer to material or labor cost variance, or alternatively any sales price variance or any other budgeted line item variance. Variance analysis helps to uncover reasons behind any failure and to identify trends for success. ABC Company had budgeted $400,000 of selling and administrative expenses, and actual expenses are $420,000.